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LED, 1050nm Clear Epoxy, 2.5mW T-1 3/4 Lens
LED, 1070nm, IR, 2.5mW typ, T-1 3/4
LED, 1200nm Clear Epoxy, 2.5mW T-1 3/4
LED, 1300nm Clear Epoxy, 2.0mW T-1 3/4
LED, 1650 nm, 1 mW, TO18R
LED , 1750 nm, 1 mW CW, TO18R
LED, 1950 nm, 1 mW CW, 6.3 mW Pulsed, TO18R
LED, 780nm, 18mW T-1 3/4 (qty 5)
LED, 910nm, IR, 12mW typ, T-1 3/4
LED, 940nm, 18mW T1 3/4 (Qty 5)
B Coat Plankonvexasphären Cyl Objektiv
Objektivhalterung mit Sicherungsring
LED @ 660nm on MCPCB
LED @ 780nm on MCPCB
LED @ 940nm on MCPCB
Magnetische Basis
Aluminium Breadboard 12" x 4" x 1/2" 1/420UNC 1" Pitch
Aluminium Breadboard900 x 450 x 12.7mmM6/25mm
Aluminium Breadboard
12.7mm Dia. Round Aluminum Mirror, 3.2mm Thick
M4 to M3 Thread Adapter
M6 to M3 Thread Adapter
Mini-Säulenpfosten, 50 mm